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Deposition rate measurement by EIES



  • EIES (Electron Impact Emission Spectroscopy) deposition rate measurement systems consist of
    • EIES cell
    • Electron beam driver, and
    • Broadband OES system
  • EIES systems offer long-lifetime deposition rate measurement and control for high-vacuum-based evaporation processes, which require continuous, uninterrupted, precise and repeatable deposition rate measurement.
  • EIES is mostly insensitive to environmental factors, highly stable, repeatable (<1%) and suitable for 24/7 operation.
  • Broadband EIES features a single detector measuring multiple materials. It can perform gas composition and process quality monitoring simultaneously.
  • Broadband EIES enables full automation of many evaporative thin film deposition processes, dramatically decreasing maintenance and operation costs.
  • EIES can eliminate the need for multiple sensors and provides precise, accurate and repeatable rate measurements.
  • EIES operating pressure range covers the major evaporative PVD processes: Electron beam evaporation and Thermal evaporation.


Nova Fabrica Inteleg®S EI systems fuse seamlessly with production lines in intelligent factories. They are deployed to evaporative PVD, e.g. EB PVD and thermal PVD, process environments that require:

  • Measuring more than a few um film thickness (e.g. >10um)
  • Detecting of multiple materials at the same time (e.g. co-evaporation)
  • Detecting gases at the same time as measuring rate/thickness (e.g. air leak)

Real-time deposition rate monitoring monitoring, process monitoring, process condition recognition, and closed loop control help to improve performance and maximise yield.


  • Quartz Crystal Microbalance (QCM) products lead the deposition rate sensor market because there were no viable alternatives. QCM can have significant drawbacks. For example, short sensor lifetime (a few hours to few days) and frequent quartz element changes results in laborious maintenance and prevents automation. QCM is susceptible to environmental factors and is not suitable for non-stop high deposition rate measurement; it can only measure one material per detector, cannot perform simultaneous gas composition analysis, and its measurement repeatability is limited.
  • Enhancing the deposition rate measurement capabilities of your existing and new process chambers is critical to increasing product value and yield and reducing the overall ownership cost.


  • Inteleg®S EI enables advancing environmentally friendly thin-film manufacturing processes. In particular, Inteleg®S EI can offer 25 to 50 % end-user cost savings for manual and automatic loading tools due to (a) lower maintenance cost, (b) less manufacturing downtime, (c) lower labour costs and (d) improved economy and efficiency.
  • Inteleg®S EI CAN measure film thickness much more than a few um (e.g. >10um).
  • Inteleg®S EI CAN simultaneously detect multiple materials in co-evaporation settings.
  • Inteleg®S EI CAN detect gases (e.g. an air leak) in real time and at the same time as measuring rate/thickness.
  • Inteleg®S EI software features parallel high-speed processing – i.e. simultaneous deposition rate measurement, process recognition, composition analysis, contamination, leak, end-point detection, and SISO feedback control. In addition, the systems can send data and signals (alarms) to the industrial network (e.g. Modbus/TCP, PROFINET).


  • Single detector
  • Low maintenance
  • 24/7 operation
  • <5.0 * 10-4 Torr
  • <6.7 * 10-4 mBar
  • Real-time
  • Speed
  • Sensitivity
  • Rugged
  • Flexible mounting
  • Integration
  • System health checks
  • Process improvements
  • Yield improvements
  • Down-time prevention
  • Scrap prevention
  • Cost efficiency



Nova Fabrica focus on providing solutions that enable production yield optimisation, energy efficiency, enhanced QA and environmental friendliness through advanced processing, characterisation, monitoring, control and automation.



Nova Fabrica Ltd., Laisves g. 44, LT-30106 Ignalina

+370 37 999 994

+41 44 508 7477

+1 774 775 0025

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